Wednesday, May 11, 2011

free download : full site created with adobe flex sdk flashdevelop or flashbuilder and inkscape

 i create this site recently
this a real demo
link for download
you have inside .rar full site created with flex sdk (flashdevelop ide)
gallery xml
cool images loader
skining created with fxg and skin class i use inskape with extention fxg exporter
cool animation
and all is open source and free
 file architictre :
in root folder (gallery) you must see file gallery.xml and assets stock of images
the folder sitew is the root folder of flex projects : inside src folder you have a main.mxml main file for start application and all file and folder require for costum skin
inside bin folder you must see .swf result and index.html
inside lib folder you have a .conf for configuration of application

i ready create a tut for custom skin go to link :

Friday, May 6, 2011

error symfony2 userBundle 'You must at least add one authentication provider.'

for this error
'You must at least add one authentication provider.'
in pupillaire bundle userBundleur
it s very simple in you

in your configuration of security
you must change secutity: false to security: true
            pattern:      .*
            security: true
                provider:       fos_userbundle
                login_path:     /user/new
                use_forward:    false
                check_path:     /login_check
                failure_path:   null
            logout:       true
            anonymous:    true
or declare your costum user (yes i know you must declare provider authentication)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

flex : create custum skin with flashdevelop or gedit and inkscape extension fxg

hi this tut is for question
"how create application and custom skin flex 4 with open source soft or free soft"
ok my response "it's very very simple"
1- you must download  inkscape from this link
and install
in ubuntu you can install from terminal
why i like inkscape  : because is great tool for create vector graphic; and it's open source and free
2- you must download fxg exporter extension for inkscape  from this topic
in this page go to response of JazzyNico topic #24 and download extension from link in top ; and for add extension:
On GNU/Linux: $HOME/.config/inkscape/extensions
On Windows (English localisation): C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Inkscape\extensions
On OS-X: /Applications/

 3- create for example you custom button 
you must  resize you scene from menu file -> Document Properties
choose for example size equal a size of your button
and go to menu file->save as ->and choose .fxg
for examples graphicButton.fxg
3-open file graphicButton.fxg and delete
<mask><Group><Rect width="any" height="any"><fill><SolidColor color="#ffffff" alpha="1"/></fill></Rect></Group></mask>
if excise ; it s just after the first tag <Graphic

4- download flex sdk from site official of adobe  ; use google for search

5- for flex sdk 4 you can use a flashdevelop IDE it's free ; you can download from
for instructions of installation go to link : 
note : before install you must install jre of java and .net
for linux link for highlight gedit :

 6- create project flex 4 : in flashdevelop
you have
folder src : and inside src you have a main application for example main.mxml
folder bin : for .swf result
folder obj : you have a configuration file
in main.mxml ; you have very basic code create with syntax mxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
               xmlns:mx="library://" >
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->

7 - create a button : and you must have
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
               xmlns:mx="library://" >
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
<s:Button id="button1"   />

8- create a folder comp inside src and copy graphicButton.fxg ;
 paste inside comp

9- inside folder src create a file MyButtonSkin.mxml ; and copy paste
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="" 
        xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:graphics="comp.*">
    <!-- host component -->

 <graphics:graphicButton  /> 

explication :
  with :<s:Skin
you open a skin tag for declare or say a flex compiler : a want this file for creating a skin class
  with :    xmlns:s="library://" 
for using spark library it s new in flex 4
and use historic mxml library
   with : xmlns:graphics="comp.*" 
you say a flex sdk : i want use my custum namespace (my custom library or graphic) in our example its all file .fxg or .mxml or .as or .swc inside comp folder
with :     <fx:Metadata>
you specifier what component you want skin  (customise) ;  in our case is Button
with : <graphics:graphicButton  /> 
you create a dependant with content graphic of fxg and your button 

10 - ok inside file main.mxml you must declare a skin class if you want customise your button
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
               xmlns:mx="library://" >
        <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
 <s:Button id="button1"  skinClass="MyButtonSkin" />

11 -  test with :
button build or debug  in flashdevelop or ctrl+entre
or compile with terminal in ubuntu with commande mxmlc
12 - you can create interactive skin : 
over button with different color or graphic  
and out button over button with different color or graphic

13- you custumise you graphic in inkscape :
one for over and save with graphicButton.fxg
other for out save with graphicButton1.fxg

14 - for combine all inside
MyButtonSkin.mxml change content :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="" 
        xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:graphics="comp.*">
        <s:State name="up" />
        <s:State name="over" />
        <s:State name="down" />
        <s:State name="disabled" />
graphicButton   includeIn="up"/>
graphicButton1   includeIn="over"/>
graphicButton1   includeIn="down"/>